Nutritional therapy
Many people feel that their health conditions are just something they have to live with, that there is nothing they can do to change things. However with the right nutritional and lifestyle support it is possible to affect many physiological changes in the body, for example, to have an influence on the expression of genes, to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and alter your microbiome, all to give you the best possibility of having better health & wellbeing.
Some of the common conditions I support:
Low mood
Lack of focus
Digestive issues (e.g. IBS)
Aching joints
Weight management
Specific womens health challenges: PMS, menopause/peri-menopause
Whether you have a diagnosis and are being treated by a doctor, or not, we can work together to come up with a plan to best support you. If you want to optimise your health, to take control rather than just settling for how things are, then please get in touch to discuss how you can book your Nourishing Space.
With so many "Coaches" out there, it can be very difficult to know which one to work with and have confidence that they're the right one. From the onset, I immediately had a rapport with Nina which instilled a great deal of trust and confidence in me. I found our sessions tremendously helpful and supportive due to her natural energy, warmth and insightfulness. I would strongly recommend her to anyone looking for a top-notch coach.
1-2-1 personalised nutritional therapy plan
I spend 1-1.5hrs initially with you to get a picture of how effectively your body is working, digesting nutrients, detoxifying waste products, producing energy in the cells, producing hormones etc. We will take into account your nutrition and lifestyle choices, as well as the symptoms you are presenting with. As our bodies systems are so intrinsically linked this holistic approach means we are able to dig deeper and look at what could be at the root cause of the problems you are experiencing.
I provide a personalised wellbeing plan for you, help you feel more empowered in your food choices, give you recipe ideas and support you in taking in the nutrients your body needs to conduct its metabolic processes, heal and grow. I offer additional support on your journey to optimal health by using coaching and NLP techniques to look at ways to unblock any behaviours and patterns that are no longer serving you and may have prevented you making changes in the past.
On booking your nourishing space, I will ask you to complete a questionnaire and food diary and return it to me prior to us meeting for the initial consultation . We will scheduled follow up sessions to monitor progress and make any changes to continue moving you towards better health & wellbeing.
I also offer email support in between sessions as required.
Before beginning your health & wellbeing journey, I am pleased to offer a free telephone consultation to chat through your main goals, to determine if it is something I can help you with and that you are happy to move forward with a consultation.